A Look Inside: Sorority big little reveal

Think back to when you were a kid, maybe seven or eight, waking up on Christmas morning. You pop out of bed and run down the stairs to find Santa had come that night and left you presents and gifts. Your family sits with you and you take turns opening gifts, excited about what you will receive.

This is what big little reveal feels like for the sisters of Gamma Phi Beta at Oakland University. Each new member is paired up with a big sister to serve as their mentor in their first semester of their membership.

Waiting to find out who their big sister is, new members are excited and nervous to finally have their reveal. Each new member comes into the room individually and the whole chapter participates in a countdown until the curtain is dropped and the big sister shows herself – but it does not always happen this way. Often the big sister tries to trick the little sister by hiding in the crowd and doesn’t actually stand behind the curtain.

“I was so confused who my big was,” new member Gianna S. said. “Marg was hiding and when the curtain fell and no one was there.” Gianna ran to her new big sister, Margret B., when she finally revealed herself and the whole chapter clapped and laughed along with the women.

After all the bigs and littles are united, Christmas morning activities continue because the big sister gifts the little sister with food, clothing and other items. Groups of sisters will go out eat and continue the celebrations further.


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