Journalist in training

Over the past seven days, I have been following news organizations and journalists on Twitter to engage in current events and trends. I chose to do this on Twitter because it is the fastest form of social media. Microblogging has become a way for people so share quick thoughts our updates about issues. Twitter is very popular among scholars and citizens alike.

For this assignment, I was asked to chose a social media platform that is new to me, but I am familiar with them all. I decided to pick my Twitter account because I like to engage the most on that platform. My profile details are unique to me and showcase my interests.

In the past week, I have retweeted and tweeted about current events. These tweets ranged from trending hashtags to news about Brett Kavanaugh. I also tweeted fun videos and quotes that I came across in my feed. I found that I had higher interaction with funny or cute tweets  then I did with my tweets about news or current events.

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I learned that many journalists will use their Twitter to both tweet the news and engage with users. Journalist Debra Gil tweeted about #NationalTacoDay to gain interaction with her followers and to show her more fun side. When I commented on this tweet I also got a Like back from Gil.

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Debra Gil tweeted about #NationalTacoDay to gain more followers and to keep up with current trending hashtags.

I think this practice is something to note for businesses and media professionals. Interaction with followers and commenting on trending hashtags will draw attention to your profile and gain you more followers.

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